Achieve 4X Faster Testing for Your Salesforce Applications

Deliver robust, bug-free Salesforce applications faster than ever before with Avo Assure's intelligent no-code test automation that allows for more than 95% automation coverage, 85% less testing effort, and less than 1% defect slippage.

Here's how you can amplify your Salesforce testing with Avo Assure:

  • Design, build, and maintain tests with ease for constantly changing Salesforce solutions.
  • Generate production-like compliant and reliable test data with iTDM.
  • Achieve in-sprint automation with continuous end-to-end testing using parallel and scheduled testing features.
  • Integrate CI/CD pipeline with the DevOps pipeline to update all the changes in real time.
  • Create tests that don't break with the self-healing feature.

Download your copy of the product sheet now.

Learn how you can accelerate your Salesforce Testing with Avo Assure.

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